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Below are relevant documents that will be reviewed in the preparation of the 2024 TDP

BRT/Priority Corridor Feasibility Study

CDTA’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Priority Corridor Feasibility Study builds off the success of its existing system and long-term planning at the agency. The study will determine which corridors in the region would provide the most benefit to passengers via changes to the roadway design, service levels, or other transit focused improvements. The study includes data review, corridor identification, and conceptual design, to prepare the agency to pursue funding opportunities to improve access to high-quality transit in the Capital Region.


2013 Transit Development Plan

CDTA's current TDP was completed and adopted in late 2013. While CDTA intends to produce an entirely new TDP and not merely update the 2013 version, the prior achievements of the 2013 TDP will be evaluated, and its most successful practices carried over to the new TDP where appropriate. 

Strategic Plan 2020

This strategic plan serves as a roadmap for CDTA work. It reaffirms the mission, provides structure for CDTA work, and guides the development of future initiatives.

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CDTC 2020 - New Visions 2050 Regional Transportation Plan

New Visions is the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Capital Region, articulating a shared vision for the future transportation system. New Visions, which is also known as the long-range regional transportation plan, includes a set of principles, strategies, and budgetary priorities that guide regional investment in the next-generation transportation system.

Capital District Transportation Authority
Climate Action Plan

CDTA has developed its 2023 Climate Action Plan to assess its current emissions level and set
emission reduction goals and implementation strategies, in conjunction with the FTA Sustainable
Transit for a Healthy Planet Challenge. This plan works in tandem with the CDTA Zero-Emission
Fleet Transition Plan, which charts a path toward a full zero-emission revenue fleet. These
initiatives seek to fulfill the NYS mandate for the five largest upstate and suburban transit
agencies to operate a zero-emission fleet by 2035, and the Biden-Harris Administration goal to
reduce GHG pollution levels economy-wide by 50% to 52% from 2005 levels by 2030.

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CDTC Title VI Program

The Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) Title VI Program has been prepared to ensure compliance with FTA Circular C 4702.1B dated October 1, 2012, and to implement the fair apportionment of its resources throughout its four-county service area. CDTA has implemented procedures and policies pursuant to this program to comply with federal regulations, and to improve upon its existing commitment to equity in its practices. This program includes a Major Service Change Policy, Disparate Impact Policy, Disproportionate Burden Policy, Public Participation Plan, updated Limited English Proficiency Language Assistance Plan (LEP LAP), results of and updates to its service monitoring program, and Board approval of the CDTA Title VI Program.

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